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Thank you for your interest in The Lunar Noonology ... . ... way of thinking. We believe in the natural, respectful order of life and the energy force each living, or once living, object carries with it. This pulsating life energy force emanates from these objects propagating through the space-time around it...traveling outward concentrically in all directions fading and weakening as it moves farther from its source. The very space-time fabric with which the entire Multiverse was structured is able to vibrantly and poetically allow a smooth transition of energy from its parent source to any willing and accepting living being able to be open to its natural power. Those ready and able to detect it are treated to a lifetime of positive natural surrounding energy guiding them down whatever path they choose.
The basic Lunar Noonology life lesson is simple... nature is valuable and precious and should not be taken for granted. It is the very life source supporting everything on the planet. To ignore, abuse or exploit nature is only expediting the inevitable demise of the human race in which nature will reclaim the planet...with or without humans.
Please read on to learn how to enjoy and understand Nature's Energy...
Nature Speaks
A ukulele based song about the beautiful and surprising voice of nature.